Monday, December 23, 2013

Skulduggery Pleasent

Skulduggery Pleasant written by Derek Landy and publish by Harper Collins. this book that ignite my passion to read. this is the first book that I have bought. I buy this book at MPH book store. I admit that mostly a young reader always enjoy this kind of book, but I think there is nothing wrong if adults also want to enjoy this book. I know there is a lot of adult out there really enjoy this young adult genre. 

This book is easy to read because the writer use a really simple sentences to tell this story to the reader, especially to the reader like me who is not very good with English. this book also have become one of my favourite book because of the good storyline and the humour. the humour in this book are really funny, when I said funny, I mean really crazy funny. I have laugh many times when I read this book and my friends look at me weirdly because how can I laugh when I reading a book? how the book make me laugh my heart out? that's why the book is really amazing. even though the lines are simple but there are really funny, especially the line by the main character Skulduggery who is a guy with no internal organs, but got quite the ego and for his sidekick Stephanie a girl who can't stand up without falling over who is quite the critic.

I recommended to the parents to buy this book to their children because this book are absolute fun from the beginning to the end and I bet your children will enjoy it very much, but as a reminder you want to remind your children that this book are fiction and not real, we don't want our children to try throwing a fire from his hand or trying to summon the faceless ones on our earth.

the storyline are perfect because it has been spices by the mixture of action, mystery, adventure, humour and magic. and I really love magic ( I know magic aren't real so don't worry about me). the character are likeable and easy to remember, the way magic are uses in this story are perfect, the fight scene are really enjoyable and I think this book are really perfect.


Stephanie Edgley's novelist uncle, Gordon Edgley, dies, leaving her his vast mansion and the royalties from his best-selling books. At the reading of the will, a strange man in a tan overcoat, a hat, a frizzy wig, sunglasses and a scarf is present (called Skulduggery Pleasant) along with Fergus and Beryl, Stephanie's none-too-liked aunt and uncle. Stephanie's aunt and uncle are given something: a seemingly useless brooch, a boat, and a car, (which they both do not want). Stephanie's parents (Desmond and Melissa Edgley) are left a villa in France while Stephanie is left Gordon's mansion along with all his riches and possessions.
Spending a night alone in the mansion, Stephanie is attacked by a strange man around midnight demanding she hands over a "key". The man attacks Stephanie when she refuses to let him inside and to give him the "key" and the mysterious Mr. Pleasant arrives and saves her, throwing a fireball (which is produced from clicking his fingers) at the man who is discovered to be fire-proof. Upon this discovery Skulduggery Pleasant shoots the attacker on his shoulder with a six-slot revolver and the man is forced to flee from the scene.
During the fight, Skulduggery's disguise of a wide brimmed hat, wig, scarf and sunglasses fall off to reveal that he is an undead mage, made up of only a skeleton held together by magic.
Upon slowly realising that her uncle was murdered, Stephanie, wanting to escape her previously boring and tedious life, helps Skulduggery investigate his mysterious death. Skulduggery and Stephanie gradually uncover a greater plot for world domination. Stephanie's uncle discovered an ancient weapon used by the first sorcerers, the Ancients, to defeat their tyrannical gods, the Faceless Ones. He sealed this deadly weapon, the Sceptre of the Ancients, in a maze beneath the house Stephanie inherited. The "key" is in fact the old, insignificant-looking brooch left by her uncle to his other brother's wife, Beryl.
Stephanie and Skulduggery, aided by an immensely strong tailor named Ghastly Bespoke, a librarian China Sorrows and an English professional swords woman Tanith Low attempt to prevent the main antagonist, Nefarian Serpine, from obtaining the Spectre. Serpine once served under the evil wizard Mevolent who waged a secret war on the wizard community attempting to take over the world. Skulduggery opposed Mevolent in this war four hundred years ago, when he was still alive. He became ensnared in a trap by Serpine, his wife and child murdered before his eyes and himself killed after several days torture by Serpine. He returned from the grave as a bag of bones (literally) and got up to continue the war after putting himself together.
Mr Bliss, China's brother, betrays the Sanctuary to Serpine and hands him the Sceptre. Sagacious Tome, one of the Elders, also reveals himself a traitor, and allows the two other Elders, Eachan Meritorious and Morwenna Crow, to be murdered by Serpine. Serpine invades the Sanctuary and enters the Repository. Serpine's original plan was to use the Book of Names to control the World into submission, but he had not realised that all three Elders' consent was needed to use it. In a fit of rage, Serpine murders Tome. Mr Bliss then revealed himself as a double-crosser, as he never was with Serpine at all.
Now working as a detective and with Stephanie's help, Skulduggery attacks Serpine, with the Book of Names being destroyed in the process. Angered at his loss, Serpine tortured Stephanie with his Red Hand, but Skulduggery destroys him with the Sceptre, breaking the Sceptre's power in the process. At the conclusion of the novel, Skulduggery offers to take Stephanie on as his assistant and student in sorcery; Stephanie has discovered through the course of the novel's events that her family are descendants of the Ancients and she herself has magic abilities.
Throughout the plot, Stephanie is told multiple times that she must choose a name should she wish to remain in the magical community for several reasons. At the near end of the book, Stephanie Edgely chooses to leave behind her old self and takes on the name of Valkyrie Cain.
This information was taken from Wikipedia

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